Lists of the past year: #1–Best students’ blogs

With 2018 already in its second week it’s time to stop the laziness of the past weeks and do some work. First of all, I plan to publish a few posts to summarize interesting stuff of 2017, in list form. Since I love lists and fill my planner, post-it notes, Evernote of lists of all kinds, here is the list of all the lists.

  1. My students’ best blogs, from the past August semester.
  2. Adventures in San Francisco & Berkeley, from my trip to the Far West during the Christmas season.
  3. Colleagues’ shoots from the early days of hurricane Maria’s aftermath.
  4. My books of 2017 (yes, I kept track, through an Evernote list of the books I was reading and of the films I watched at the movies (I practically don’t watch movies anymore on the TV… only TV series, thank you)
  5. My films of 2017

That’s a lot of work, but thanks Jupiter, I don’t have to do it now, do I.

So, I’ll begin with List #1. Because I kept a folder with screenshots of the best blogs my students created during the past semester. It’s a list that I compiled in a completely subjective manner. The only objective part (albeit a very important one) is that behind these blogs there is work, attention and passion. But they are also beautiful, inspired, well-thought and interesting. I hope a few of the students will keep on blogging. I know some will, I asked the very last day of class and I got sincere answers.

They have–as I have repeatedly said throughout the semesters, an extraordinary vehicle and medium to express themselves, like humankind has **never** had available in our history. Surely not with its simplicity of use and expressive power. We who live in a place where free speech is still protected must recognize that power and protect and diffuse it.

The blogs I am referring here to are from three sections of the #inf103 course, Fundamentals of Computing, a basic Gen Ed course geared to communications students. I will omit the section of the course in each case, it’s irrelevant info. As I said before, this is a list outside of the course formal evaluations, and is completely subjective.

And the Oscars go to…

Natalia, for her Dance blog. Bailar… una de las mejores formas de vida.  (Una vida con movimientos al ritmo de la música es mejor.) // Dancing… one of the best ways of life.


José Frank, for Este es mi blog (This is my blog) #EsteEsMiBlog


Génesis for Génesis Blog, a blog focusing on topics of importance for Puerto Rico.


Gabriela María, for Industrya, on Coffee, cocktails, art & culture… Café, coctelería, literatura, arte, cultura, ¡y lo que venga!


Kathia, for katwalk: Fashion History.


Carolina, for Tu mundo en Palabras (a veces la mejor forma de expresarte es escribiendo). // Your world in words (sometimes the best way to express yourself is writing).


Andrea, for Once Upon A Time. Write Your Own Story.


Janisse, for her photo blog: Photography vs the world. The struggles of being a photographer.


Erika, for her blog on poetry & photography, Poetisa sin rumbo (Este blog trata sobre expresar sentimientos a través de poesía y fotografía). Literally, the blog’s title means “poetress without direction”. Nice, eh?


Natalia, for her blog Crutches Live Aventuras en muletas: Yo camino con mis manos y tambien escribo con ellas. // Adventures in crutches: I walk with my hands and also write with them.

Crutches Live

In truth, despite the hurricane, it was a good semester, and many students did took it very very well, even though they underwent (and possibly still are) very harsh living conditions.

About Antonio Vantaggiato

Professor, web2.0 enthusiast, and didactic chef.
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