My Firefox Extensions are a delicious addition to my daily Web life. Let’s see (in order of preference/deliciousness):
- Feedly (a magazine-like interface to Google Reader, the best aggregator in town!)
- ScribeFire – Blogging from whatever webpage, or notes
- Snowl – a river of news RSS aggregator
- Gmail manager
- Delicious!
- DashBlog – to grab and post videos etc.
- – to listen to a music compilation which tunes to my mood/preferences
- TwitterFox – Twitter in the browser: beautiful to be informed in real time; also Feedly allows to Tweet in-context!
- Read it Later – That very useful of functions!
- Ubiquity – Last only because I’m just starting to use it; a command-line interface to mashups. Great idea.
Shortly here: a detailed post on Feedly. Stay tuned.