I am getting ready for New York!
June 4 through 30 I will be working as Scholar-in-Residence with NYU’s Faculty Resource Network on my research. The Zen of Teaching is so going to continue its trajectory, and hopefully I’ll be able to write some more and polish and complete the Website zenofteaching.us. I have been publishing my interviews and the next will be Michael Wesch and Gardner Campbell, whom I molested at EDUCAUSE ELI in Austin some weeks ago. That wonderful interview (their merit!) will be published here and at zenofteaching.us shortly; later I’ll have the zenlike interview of Mario Núñez, taken in Ponce some time ago. Mario’s interview is very interesting and the awesome Gabriela, my student assistant, is finishing the transcription and editing the English subtitles for YouTube. So, tune here soon.
Now, I just want to add that while preparing for NYC and trying to add more great people to my list of interviews, I am also preparing for a very enriching opportunity I’ll have June 12, when I’ll be leading a Zen of Teaching Workshop at NMC’s 2012 Summer Conference in Boston, and precisely at MIT. The workshop will be a good chance to discuss the main issues I am researching about the Myths of Teaching and Learning, with a special eye on Technology. I urge every soul interested to participate! The first part of the workshop will be a presentation of the work done and the main ideas under scrutiny that can help us define a fuller, enriching dialogue with our students. The presentation will be more or less like the one I gave at the Change 11 MOOC of George Siemens and Stephen Downes last April. Here it is.
Then, in the second part (which will be actually the lion’s share of the workshop), we will collaborate to add, subtract and define together the various components of the project. I’ll set up also an open Google Doc or wiki to have people add and express things. Those things will in turn fuel the main book materials and Website. I hope the workshop group will help me better define the scope, purpose and functionality of the Website itself.
Workshop Session Description
Myths surrounding the technology involved in teaching and learning are plentiful: Students attend face-to-face classes, but watch online lectures; courses can be delivered like a hamburger, the same for everyone. Such deep beliefs mold our educational system, and impede the necessary reform that the Web 2.0 and the new media revolution have triggered. This workshop will focus on how we can change these myths through the visions of many experts in the field — including Clay Shirky and Kathleen Fitzpatrick. An in-depth discussion will trigger ideas on our practices and perceptions of education.
So, come ye faithful! Register here for NMC 2012, and then enroll in my Zen of Teaching Workshop!