- “I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.” –Flannery O’Connor
Reclaimed Storify
Fear not, my Reclaimed Storify stories are here!blogginedu
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Tag Archives: internet
Closing that internet up in some way.
Wait a minute: Closing that internet up in some way? That [annoying] internet? Paleofuture published this: Anticipating the Worst From Trump, the Internet Archive Is Building a Backup in Canada. We’re losing a lot of people because of the internet,” … Continue reading
Thus Spake Zarathustra-Bill Gates
Thus, He spoke, at last. When asked today (November 2, 2013) by The Financial Times about his thoughts on priority between malaria vaccination and Internet connectivity he replied: As a priority, it’s a joke. […] Take this malaria vaccine, [this] … Continue reading
Posted in internet, open, philosophic-discourse
Tagged education, humanitarian, internet, open, Web
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Conflictual views of the Internets
Internet and the Digital world are great, no doubt. Sometimes, though, we are confronted with the thin line that borders the realms of the virtual and the earthly. I was discussing with my daughter about the issues around the printed … Continue reading
Internet es el presente
No tenemos miedo a Internet porque Internet es la salvación de nuestro cine –Alex de la Iglesia Dolors Reig escribió hace dos semanas un post que grita para que se difunda más. Dolors recalcaba las palabras contundentes del ex Presidente … Continue reading
Free WiFi Internet with Google TiSP
According to Google, its newest, environment-friendly initiative is Google TiSP (BETA), a fully functional, end-to-end system that provides in-home wireless access by connecting your commode-based TiSP wireless router to one of thousands of TiSP Access Nodes via fiber-optic cable strung … Continue reading