Seth Godin and his Tribes book

It all started reading this:

Tribes: We Need You to Lead UsFor people who want to lead a tribe and make something happen. It’s by invitation only until October, and we’re lucky to have you.
Sign In

This network is by invitation for the foreseeable future. If you were advised that we’d be opening it one day, it seems as though we won’t… the triiibe voted to keep it closed for now. I’m sorry. If you have an invitation, click the link in the email to join. Here’s the good news: there’s a ton of FREE stuff at Read the ebook, check out the links and if you’re still interested, drop me a very nice note at and I’ll see if I can help you.

Now, this is Seth Godin speaking, author of many books, and now of the bestseller Tribes. What is he up to?

So I went to, and I discovered:

The book itself, via Amazon;

The audiobook version (free) from Audible;
(btw, 50,000 titles to chose from!)

Seth’s Godin’s blog;

The changethis PDF manifesto
(A short essay to get you started).

And the glamorous Tribes Presentation here below. What a day! Enjoy.

Seth Godin on Tribes

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: book tribes)

About Antonio Vantaggiato

Professor, web2.0 enthusiast, and didactic chef.
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