At year’s end, after completing the evaluations of my students’ work, blogs etc., with grades assigned, I wanted to post a short visual story about my New Media class, INF115 and the students I had the pleasure to share this semester with.
This was a class under the tent (restarted October 15), with (from left) Christian, Eric and Sheila:
Here is the last episode of the Coffee Date podcast of the class, which was begun by students Alondra & Sheila and followed by all the others. Enjoy the complete series! (Hmmm, there one final episode missing, and that’s my fault. Soon available, promise!)
Here are photos from our session at TeleSagrado for the recording of the students’ final project, a video reportage of the bad storm, which follows at the end of this post. I have to say and thank Carlos for his leadership in the video project and his role as director. But all the students were enthusiast and collaborated. They worked in pairs and each did something specific: research, interviews, story, etc. Theirs are the idea, composition and final editing. Proud of you guys! Note that this is not a course on video and all but Carlos had little previous knowledge of the medium, which is a point for the course.
Last but not least, how they say, is the final video, Más allá de la Burbuja. Enjoy! [in Spanish]