Hurricanes Maria & Irma: A long story, short, in images.

A brief history of my involvement with Hurricane Irma. Remember Irma la douce? Well, for us Irma was douce, sweet.

Thus on September 16 I began writing about hurricane Irma’s passing by Puerto Rico, quite caressing our shores but without any actual touchdown. I thought at the moment that our involvement with hurricanes, for this season, was over. But I was so mistaken. So, I’m doing this: I will begin with Maria, and after I’ll continue with Irma. I am writing this after over four weeks without electricity, and a few days with no water either. We recharge devices at communal places like restaurants and at our University, where we have one big room with WiFi and power (through generators).

The hurricane’s aftermath was terrible, and it left us with the usual lack of electrical power and water. This time, though, communications were lost and almost inaccessible for over ten days, from my home. When we got gasoline we moved to spots with decent coverage and there I finally could tell friends we were OK. My mother and sister were reached by telephone by a friend who moved back to Italy and who miraculously got a line to call us. When Alan, Giulia, Jim, GNA, Gardner et al. reached out I was pretty moved. I am still checking out the best way to help our students, by the way. Again, we are well and do not need anything beyond, well, a return to “normalcy”. But, normalcy will in all likelihood shift to a new normal, during these next months. We’ll see and improvise as needed.

Now, the situation with students is sometimes terrible. Some have already fled to Florida or New York, with parents losing jobs and sometimes even losing a home. I have polled my students but haven’t got real needs information from them, so we’ll wait, and I’ll report the class situation soon.

Life has changed a bit. Days are shorter, since by 6:30 the sun sets down and light fades away. We got lamps and candles to get by, so we can do some reading and, with our camping stove, some cooking. The first days it was pretty difficult to buy food, but we used supplies. Then we began with supermarket lines, cash-only. Now it’s back to normal, but without a fridge, we have to buy food daily. My wife has an arrangement with friends who give her a few iced-water bottles every morning, so we can maintain perishables for a couple if days, and, most importantly, a cold beer for the dinner. I have read a lot, both printed and e-books.

Hurricane Maria

Here, it’s the morning after. This is my street, but I have seen it this way many times before. A little water and so be it.

And this is the patio of my wife’s mother’s house. A gigantic, high tree fallen. Which we had to spend almost two weeks to cut and take out. I learned to use a machete and my hands prove it!!

Hurricane Maria

Hurricane Maria

And this is the **stupidest** and most senseless things I ever did. A 10-hour line (yes, ten hours) under a ferocious sun, getting dehydrated because the only cash I had with me (no ATM working for over a week!) was needed for gasoline.

Hurricane Maria

Of course, I shared the experience with wonderful, patient and very well-behaving people.

Hurricane Maria

Hurricane Maria

Hurricane Maria

Now, I’ll just continue with the prep work and other images from Irma. In all, for Maria we had two full prep days and boy, two weeks + of afterwork, just to clean things up.

After all the prep work, the tempest, and then nine days of consequences for Irma, the main of which was a total absence of electric power. Water we had but for half a day. Damages, none, except to my back, for moving around furniture and plants. We placed two big bookcases to protect huge windows, which were not to be affected since the winds came from another direction :).

So, in total, we have had power in September for just 2 days.

Hurricane Irma

But we enjoyed doing so, since we had the help of a friend of our daughter’s. We shut another window, while the winds were already swinging furiously and opened and closed rhythmically it. We did so by placing a big yoga brick of my wife’s between the window’s external iron bars and the glass frame, and it shut hermetically. Eureka!! But we weren’t  successful in securing the other half, which was then tied with rope from the operator to a sturdy table. In fact, said windows cannot be repaired and this is why we had to improvise: we’ll have to substitute them completely, and that’s a big expense.

A shot a photo of a few books I wanted to remember, in case that bookshelf got swept away by the storm. Which didn’t happen.

Hurricane Irma

  1. *** Yesterday, by Agota Kristof
  2. *** Carlota Fainberg, by Antonio Muñoz Molina
  3. **** The Love Letter, by Kathleen Schine
  4. *** Labyrinths of Reason: Paradox, Puzzles, and the Frailty of Knowledge, by William Poundstone.

The storm began around 4-5pm and the light went out around 5, after lunch. Then it reached its max at around 7pm. Afterward it was all calm. At night we prepared dinner with a camping gas stove and enjoyed it candlelit.

Hurricane Irma

Night was great, fresh and windy, plus we were so tired we all caught sleep with no further ado.

Hurricane Irma

[Morning coffee, old style].

This was the book I begun reading just after the storm. The legacy of the bones, a noir set in the Baztán valley of Navarra (Spain), in proximity of the Basque Country. A wonderful detective personality, inspector Amalia Salazar.

Hurricane Irma

This is a little of the effects of Irma in the neighborhood:

Hurricane Irma

Last, hope shines in a gorgeous passionfruit and passionflower. Little we knew at this time we had to wait over nine days for the reestablishment of power. Which we got for two days before it was cut again by María.

Hurricane Irma

[All photos (CC-licensed, BY-SA-NC) shot by me (Antonio Vantaggiato] available on Flickr.]

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First day of class–again

Yesterday, October 16 we had our first class post-Maria. All the University was under a big rain, plus it rained all night. It was fresh—not the awful heat of the past days, which compounds with the virtual absence of fans.

So, after a nice night’s sleep I began my classes this morning. My second class, #inf115 (New Media) was under a tent. Just close to another class hosting a huge tv screen. But we managed without. In fact, my students reflected over the fact that absence of power meant and means more contacts among neighbors and family, and less usage of smartphones, which tend to convert to basic useless bricks, these days at this latitude.

Photo by Joselyn Reyes

inf115 class photo by Joselyn Reyes

It was a very nice class, with all students but one being present. We had a good time scrolling from our shoulders the experiences—bad and good— of these three weeks, and especially of the first nights during and after the hurricane.

Photo by Jocelyn Reyes

Photo by Joselyn Reyes

Basically students have no easy Internet connection to use, and they will improvise either at Sagrado (with our limited WiFi) or at other places. They will be using smartphones but most have no access to laptops or tablets. There are however a few places at Sagrado with a limited number of computers they can use.

I told them about Sagrado’s commitment to their completing the semester with the least possible havoc to their routines, given each has had their pretty good load of havoc already. They were all very sensitive to this. I asked them to come next Wednesday, since Alan Levine has a Daily Create for us to share and we’ll be discussing the class plans for the rest of this semester.

We all agreed we’d finish the sound project we had begun pre-Maria and then dedicate ourselves to the video-with-podcast project, which will be the main final project for the class. More details soon. We want to shoot interviews on the state of the country after the hurricane, supplemented with other media. One student suggested we do this as a class project, meaning all students would work together on the same project, each specializing in some components of their specialty.
Then we talked about Alan’s Puente de Puerto Rico, and we’re already anxious to receive the postcards which are beginning to be mailed from far away places.

We all loved one student’s comment when she said she wouldn’t want to be part of a bubble while many places in the country are so devastated and she preferred working as volunteer to comping down to Sagrado and be part of said bubble. True and all, and very sensible the comment: However, I counterargued that each of us we have a commitment with ourselves to pursue inner dreams and passions, so it is good to have a safehouse to come to and rest, study and share with fellow humans.

That’s all folks. See you Wednesday.

[Photos by Joselyn Reyes, student of #inf115]

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Lenin and Beethoven’s Appassionata, all in Fargo.

There is a scene on Fargo season 3 episode 6 (God of No Mercy) where the wicked character named V.M. Vargas and played by HP’s David Thewlis quotes Lenin’s appreciation of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Nr. 23. Yes, the Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Lenin.

A little research on Google is all it takes to find the quote. But also, even more intriguing is the chat generated on Reddit around all this. Because the scene seems like a nice quote of the Coen brothers’ The Big Lebowski, where Walter, a character played by John Goodman, shouts

“Shut the fuck up, Donny. VI Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!”

So, the quote from V.I. Lenin as reported on Reddit–I have checked it–is:

I know of nothing better than the Appassionata and could listen to it every day. What astonishing, superhuman music! It always makes me proud, perhaps with a childish naiveté, to think that people can work such miracles! … But I can’t listen to music very often, it affects my nerves. I want to say sweet, silly things, and pat the little heads of people who, living in a filthy hell, can create such beauty. These days, one can’t pat anyone on the head nowadays, they might bite your hand off. Hence, you have to beat people’s little heads, beat mercilessly, although ideally we are against doing any violence to people. Hm — what a devillishly difficult job!

[See here]

Which had me thinking for a while. A cynical view, certainly! How much does Lenin hate the bourgeois attitudes!

Hence, you have to beat people’s little heads, beat mercilessly, although ideally we are against doing any violence to people.

[Photo of VM Varga, from Fargo Wikia]

This is proof there is a strong popular culture that forms around pop media, and in this case the Reddit community and this Wikia prove it. Viva Internet!

Anyhow, talking about Fargo 3, let me just add what great, devilish set of actors it displays! From the amazing Ewan McGregor (who plays two parts!) to David Thewlis (VM Varga himself), to the cop played by Carrie Coon–a celebrity after The Leftovers. I enjoyed the show quite much.

Let me end this post with a bit on VI Lenin himself, given this is the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution of Russia. There’s a book I wish to read about the trip he took from Zurich (where he was leading a nice life at the Odeon Café) to Petrograd’s Finlandia station, after crossing Germany–which payed for the trip, Sweden and Finland. BTW, the Odeon Café is the same where people like Einstein, Joyce, Mussolini (when he was a socialist) liked to go. It is still open today.

Odeon Café, Zurich

Odeon Café, Zurich

The book is Lenin on the Train, by Catherine Merridale.

In the featured image, a painting from a Soviet artist, Lenin is accompanied by Stalin, at his back. This is a falsehood, since Stalin was just not there.

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Closed Worlds and the Open Web

Eat the Data: Reclaim the web, #CNIE2014 keynote by @brlamb expertly DJd by @draggin flickr photo by giulia.forsythe shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

In a previous post (The forgotten Encyclopedia) I wrote that Encyclopedias pursued a closed-world model for which knowledge was wholly contained within their volumes. Plus periodic update volumes. They used links–internal citations and pointers. They used references, of course. They did this until the Web was born and the hyperlink took over. Suddenly, Jimmy Wales mixed two ideas: Thought number 1– You can have a link from one entry within the Encyclopedia to another out of it. But Thought number 2 was even better: Let It Be Collaborative.

At that point all hell broke loose and of course, that experiment was a huge success. But it was of poor quality, said some. Thus, the stigma on Wikipedia was born, together with a growing admiration.

The point here is the closed-world model. It was supposed that the knowledge to be bestowed upon people (or students) was all (produced and categorized and sometimes trivialized and then) stored within the pages of some book or the bytes of some CD-ROM. Unchangeable. Read-Only. So, you could say it would be delivered in all glory. To be just consumed.

It is surprising that nothing in education has really changed after so much talk about constructivism, connectivism and some other ism’s. Because within a Learning Management System you have but a closed world. Same with Facebook, a full (enchanted) world completely self-contained, with no links to the outside world. Now, newspapers run in defense of the (real) world, which is open, more or less. But news outlets are also closed worlds, with their so few out-links.  Yes, outbound links are so rare today. But think of the possibilities, the fans of knowledge they can spun from one page! I try and teach my students that power. Imagine that when I tried to open one rarest out-link from inside Facebook, I got a warning!!

Leaving Facebook OMG 🙁

Screenshot taken by moi

So, why all this betrayal of the spirit of the Web? Why all these forces working against the force that opened to them in the first instance the brave new world?

Why universities have not educated their faculty (and their students) to the (real) Web, the one open, freely linkable, infinitely accessible, serendipitous learning universe? It must be because they (and their administrators) are trapped within the closed-world model and do not see the power and glory of the open Web. But a few are: Those working on/with the Domains of One’s Own model, or the Connected learning or the Open Ed paradigms. Some experiment here and there. MOOCs have lost their experimentation juice. AI is being mythologized and boiled down to simply neo-liberal quasi-learning instances. So, where is the innovation? Big Data? Spare me.

Antigonish Community Notices flickr photo by Tony Webster shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

Mostly, a few people are running as lone Rangers, like Tony Bates was fond of saying. Some do play the good professor, or citizen, and play with the full Web. With little institutional support, and mostly without any institutional recognition of the importance of the work they are doing. Those running their instance of DS106, or those who manage their Web courses freely. Those who run a paper on the Web, and not just a Web version of it. But there is hope. The initiatives for digital and Web literacy, for instance: see >>>>> and EDUCAUSE’s Can Higher Ed Save the Web?  But the most striking example seems to be Bonnie Stewart’s fabulously-named Antigonish 2.0: A Way for Higher Ed to Help Save the Web. Antigonish, yes, in beloved Nova Scotia.

You may think the Web is not endangered as it is, because you love FB or whatever apps through which you get a window-pane of the Web and that suffices to you. But little by little the force of the Web evaporates and nobody noticed.

So, let’s. Reclaim the Web!

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I found some Visual Thinkery on the open Web

Sometimes, the Web feels too big. Like this planet, it instills in me a sense of impossibility: I’ll manage to know but a tiny bit of its wonders. And so I skate through it, sometimes getting tired of the browsing, always discovering something worth pursuing. And thus I have got a number of bookmarks (in diigo), a number of notes (Evernote), plus quite some annotations in my agenda and post-it notes. I keep collecting such information and sometimes I end up actually using it.

The Web is, however, magical in its being full of wonder and grace, and I can’t but pain when I see the declining use of links and of open Web pages. I wonder whether the Web will survive or whether we will in the end lose a fantastic opportunity. In edtech, for instance, I feel the Web is already losing, among apps and closed stores, learning management systems and other content-based materials. Like the idea of trapping some knowledge onto a CD, with all the outward links turned inward. This is what’s happening. A refusal to see the web for what it is.

When I found the work of Bryan Mathers though, I was so pleasantly surprised. Look at his site, his drawings, his thoughs, and all he does is celebrating openness and the open Web. All his images are licensed with Creative Commons (BY-ND), so they can be immediately reused in other web pages or other medium. Hope you enjoy especially this one on the Open Web:

Image from Byan Mathers

The Open Web by @bryanMMathers is licenced under CC-BY-ND.

And this from #OER17:

Bryan works also with his site Visual Thinkery by helping clients

articulate their thoughts, ideas, and messages, to create visual thinkery[…]

He is also the author of some great logos out there: among all I love those of Hack Education and Reclaim Hosting.

There is so much good stuff on the Web and I don’t have a chance at enjoying it all properly!

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