Tag Archives: connectivism

On Connectivism & Learning

A few, brief considerations on George Siemens‘ thoughts regarding connectivism and learning. A review more than anything: I enjoyed his keynotes at Sagrado so very much, and even more the informal talks we had together with students and friends, and … Continue reading

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George Siemens en Puerto Rico

¡George Siemens en Puerto Rico! Educational Transformation: Openness and Learning Analytics Invita: Programa Graduado en Sistemas de Instrucción y Tecnología Educativa Universidad del Sagrado Corazón 15 oct 2010 ~ 8am – 12:30pm Sala de Facultad, USC Entrada Gratis: Reserva con … Continue reading

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Conectivismo, Siemens & las redes

Una gran experiencia fue el conversatorio “Acercándonos al Conectivismo de George Siemens” de anoche 4 de octubre de 2010. Estoy muy agradecido con la Dra. Rosa Ojeda por la invitación que me extendió para presentar ideas sobre esa teoría y … Continue reading

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The so-called Nodality Theory revealed: NoT v1.0

Image by wlonline via Flickr Buried among a lot of stuff fromthe Connectivism Course CCK08, I found this jewel of an ontology theory: the so-called Nodality Theory, or NoT. It’s really very good, very interesting, and there may even be … Continue reading

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