Tag Archives: nonsense

Canada’s science minister is a creationist?

Canada’s science minister is a creationist – Boing Boing, also from a Tweet by Stephen Downes. Canada’s science minister, the man at the centre of the controversy over federal funding cuts to researchers, won’t say if he believes in evolution. … Continue reading

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Darwin and the evolution of the British

A few days from today will be Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday (12th of February). I guess he’d feel not easy at all, for two reasons: According to a very recent poll in the UK (the UK!!), 51% of Brits does … Continue reading

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Blackboard 2.0 hyped false hope!

From Jim Groom’s bavatuesdays BlackBoard is such an open stud This is classic, and it’s so bad it’s almost good, which is what scares me about it. But the misinformation campaign being run here about openness is dangerous, and the … Continue reading

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Poor millionaires!

To buy eggs at a market, you need some Z$6,000,000,000 (six billions) in Zimbabwe.

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